Become a digital nomad with the 3rd edition of this step-by-step guide.
Buy the e-bookBuy the print bookImagine living the lifestyle you want while making money and working anywhere in the world.
Imagine enjoying the beaches in Thailand one day, then trying the best pizza in Italy the next.
Imagine meeting locals and learning about their culture first-hand.
It sounds like a dream — travel anywhere you want, make money doing something you enjoy, and live life to the fullest.
It’s not a dream, though — a growing number of digital nomads are leaving the 9-to-5 life and choosing to take control of their life.

“No stone unturned! This is an incredibly comprehensive resource to take you from the idea of being a digital nomad to making it a reality, covering logistics, planning, and even the emotional process thereof.”
Nora Dunn – The Professional Hobo
As seen on:

Stop me if you’ve said any of these recently:
- I hate my job / coworkers.
- I wish I could travel more.
- I wish I could just get away.
- I need to do something with my life.
- Man, that digital nomad friend sounds like they’re living an awesome life
What is a digital nomad?
A person who travels at will, lives where they want, and does their work digitally. They have no cubicle and no dress code. Digital nomads are young, old, male, female, single, married, have children, and are from almost every country on this planet. If you want to become a digital nomad, nothing can stop you.
Becoming a Digital Nomad offers a proven step-by-step guide to test and transition into the digital nomad lifestyle. It’s one part travel guide and one part how-to. Steps build on each other in chronological order, and a dozen worksheets guide you with specific questions to answer. (These are freely available to save and print offline or online, whatever works best for you.)
These are the eight steps you’ll find inside:
- Step 1: know yourself and what you want focuses on you, good reader. We have some work on do on understanding you, the person you see in the mirror.
- Step 2: clarify your desires and acknowledge limitations does two important things in gearing you up for your journey.
- Nomadus interruptus: just a test, please is an interim chapter dedicated to setting up a good test of the digital nomad lifestyle.
- Step 3: making money puts together a list of the many ways digital nomads can make money along with some notes on how to manage your money across borders.
- Step 4: get affairs in order focuses on what needs to be done before leaving your country.
- Step 5: gear up and slim down focuses on what to pack and how to deal with the rest of your stuff, depending on your choices from earlier steps.
- Step 6: the big move and settling in counts you down from your last few days at your old place to your first few days at your new place.
- Step 7: start enjoying your new life helps establish new habits, make new connections, and helps to make the lifestyle a sustainable one.
- Step 8: what’s next? The nomadic lifestyle comes to an end eventually, so here’s a first-hand look on transitioning to the next chapter of life.
“My favorite part about reading Chris’s book is his honest advice such as “This lifestyle is one that’s actively chosen. It requires contemplation, reflection, but most importantly, it requires the truth.”. Going into our 3rd year as digital nomads we can absolutely attest to the fact that you WILL face criticism and jealousy from those who don’t understand the sacrifices required to take such a leap of faith. Be honest with yourself and then GO FOR IT! Life lived out in the world is endlessly varying and amazing.”
Rhonda Delameter –

This guide is a well-written, treasure trove of information, indispensable to anyone thinking of becoming a digital nomad, or for existing nomads seeking information to enhance their digital nomad lifestyle. I would have loved to have had even a quarter of this information when I left Canada 17 years ago.
I’ve known Chris both offline and online for many years. He embraces his projects with passion and always delivers a quality product. Priced at under $10.00US, this guide is a steal.
Nancie McKinnon

About the Author
Chris Backe (rhymes with hockey) has been an expat / digital nomad since 2008. He’s taught English in South Korea, written dozens of travel guides, and kept a travel blog for over a decade. He’s also a game designer, digital nomad consultant, and professional editor.
You’re in the right place if:
- You’re tired of the life you’re currently living
- You want to travel more while still making money
- You want to test this new lifestyle out first
- You’re ready to explore the world
- You want to take control of your life.
- You’re ready for a challenge
- You’re willing to learn from an experienced nomad
This book is not for you if:
- You’re unwilling / unable to leave your hometown.
- You insist on having a very stable, predictable lifestyle.
- You’re running away from something.
- You want to do it all yourself.
“Chris’ book gives tremendous insight into the wonders and blunders of being a digital nomad. I especially like his well thought out list of resources for choosing a potential city or country to call your next home.”
C. Angel Crush – the People of Amazon Facebook Group
The digital nomad life is full of serenity, incredulity, beauty, banality, and idiosyncrasy. Whether you’re just exploring the nomadic lifestyle or have been digital nomads for years, this collection of notes, stories, and anecdotes aim to inform, to warn, and to inspire. Basically, I’m here to give a first-person perspective into the life of a digital nomad. It’s going to be uncensored, it may not always be pretty, it’s not always a dream, but it will be the truth — and the truth is something we desperately need more of in our lives.